
Celebrities like Kiera Knightly love simple gold circle necklaces.
Get yours while also helping put a stop to domestic violence!
Lauren Conrad wears the mark m.powerment 'have a heart' necklace:
Mark is proud to announce a new philanthropic program dedicated to the empowerment of young women everywhere. Women ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of partner violence, and mark wants to change that statistic.
100% of the net proceeds* from the Have A Heart Necklace will be donated to m.powerment by mark.**
Abuse is a devastating cycle. By purchasing this necklace for yourself and your friends, you'll support the cause and raise awareness. Empower yourself and show your support, wear the Have A Heart Necklace.
*100% net proceeds ($20.23) will be donated to m.powerment by mark.
**Managed by the Avon Foundation.
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